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Learn Mac system OS X Mafrcks

System Mavericks:

Apple announced in recent WWDC 2013 conference, which was held recently, the system Mac OS X which it called as new Mavericks.
First of all, we see that Apple changed its policy in the label, for the first time to stop naming system as a type of big cats "Big Cats", and called its new name of "Mafrcks" which is the name of the area in Northern California and is famous for the sport of surfing, as is evident in the picture , which is the main background system Mavericks.

The most important features of the new system:

1 - Add a property "Tongues" in Alvaandr.

These deals are very excellent to facilitate browse files, and will sing on the use of the program Total Finder famous.

2 - feature tags for files "Tags":

Where they can work for each file name, and this will benefit in the order of the files, and makes it easier to reach them, where they can search for work by typing the name of a specific marking, and will Alvaandr all files who carry this tag.

3 - special features using multiple screens:

Was finally getting rid of one of the flaws in the Mac OS system, a lack of flexibility to use the system on multiple screens, for example, if you are working on the development of the program Full screen in a particular screen, the rest of the screens become unusable and displays a gray background. But with system Mafrcks can put a different program in the Full Screen mode on each screen, in addition to that each screen has a "Doc" and a list of its own overhead. Also been developing the "Mission Control", where it was all programs on the screen module, and programs can be pulled from one screen to another screen.

4 - a private program updates Safari:

Added several features to the browser, Safari, the most important of that is to increase the speed of your browser, and reduce the consumption of processor and memory
In addition to changing the form of the "Top Sites" which is the interface that displays more sites viewed, and also has been added to the list side containing the "Bookmarks" and reading list "Reading List" and also added a new feature which is "Shared Links", where it displays Safari sites that have been shared by friends at Twitter and Linkedin.

5 - the iBooks program:

Has been added to a copy of the application iBooks for Mac, with many advantages such as to synchronize the Bookmarks by walleye Cloud, and also the possibility of opening several books at the same time, and the exclusive shop for books, in addition to the possibility of write notes and identify parts of the book for study and others.

6 - Calendar Maps:

Been modified application design the Calendar in the system Mafrcks new, and add some new features such as the possibility Show location on the map, find out the weather in this place registered in the calendar, in addition to that it can move from month to month another by simply dragging the Scrollbar down smoothly.
It was also added Maps to Mafrcks system, with the characteristic three-dimensional view of some places, and the possibility of sending locations on the map directly to the iOS devices, so that you can plan for the journey at home on the Mac, then simply take a map on the iPhone.

7 - new iCloud KeyChain feature:

This feature stores your passwords, and put it in the encrypted IP Cloud, so you can use the passwords simply in all your devices.
They also contain this feature on a generator for passwords, which can generate a strong password for a particular site, and stored directly in walleye Cloud.

8 - Developing alerts "Notifications":

Added new features to the system alerts in Mafrcks, the becoming interacting alerts, so that, for example, e-mail can be answered directly from the alarm itself, or delete the message or others.
It can also get the latest developments from certain sites without having to open Safari. In addition to that, you can see a summary of the alerts directly from the lock screen on the Mac.

9 - a private performance upgrades :

Despite the addition of some features in the Mavericks system , but also that Apple has much of the developments in terms of system performance , and that you personally wish for , where we want to get a very light system and improves the consumption of system resources . A lot of techniques in system Mafrcks such as the "App Nap" and the "Compressed Memory" and others, you reduce the power consumption of the processor, and reduce memory consumption , which leads to increased speed in the system , while minimizing the consumption of the battery .


System is available in beta version for developers now , and will be available to all in the final version this fall, its price has not be announced , but is expected to be in the range of U.S. $ 20-30 , and will be available for download via the App Store Mach own .

This was the most important features advertised in the new Mafrcks system ,
 Tell us your opinion , dear reader , in the order , and feature more like it ? What do you wish to be present at the next order ?

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